We have this week sadly said goodbye to our Musical Director Martyn Evans who has decided the time is right for him to leave the band.
Martyn has departed on very good terms with the band and we would like to take this opportunity to offer our utmost thanks to Martyn Evans for his expert musical leadership over the past 3 years.
With Martyn’s help we have had an extremely fruitful era, not only has the band has improved tremendously but amongst the many exciting projects we have had a trip to the National Finals, cut our 4th CD and through Martyn also had the opportunity to partake in several feature concerts with prolific groups such as James Shepherd Versatile Brass.
We also say goodbye to Elaine Evans who came out of retirement a couple of years ago to play as part of the back row team. We thank Elaine for her hard work and dedication during her time at the band and wish her good luck for the future.
We hope Martyn and Elaine leave us with fond memories and we wish them both all the best for the future and good luck in their next musical adventures. We will miss them both but hope to see them very soon, once members of Middleton, always a members of Middleton!