Our very own Parpundales Oompah band will be providing live entertainment with traditional German bierkeller drinking songs guaranteed to have guests swaying and drinking. With some fun and games and even our own oompah versions of many well-known modern classics to sing and dance along to, it's going to be lots of Oktoberfest fun and frolics the oompah way! Not to mention the all-important bar will open, the beers flowing and food will be available too so a fantastic night is guaranteed!

Guests are invited to embrace the Oktoberfest spirit and dig out their best bierkeller outfits: lederhosen, dirndls and bavarian attire. Though not essential, bavarian style fancy dress is very welcome indeed. There may even be a fancy dress prize on offer!

Admission is by a suggested donation of £5 and all proceeds go towards fundraising for the band.